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    1. VillageIdiot

      November 14, 2021 at 4:59 pm

      she looks like 14, me no pedo!

    2. LollerskatesMcGee

      November 14, 2021 at 12:28 pm

      Why is it all of these pampered glam chicks listen to garbage thug music? Is that all part of the standardized thot kit along with the decoration lights?

      • wtf

        November 15, 2021 at 2:33 am

        do….do you think she dances naked alone in her room for herself too? she’s selling a product my guy, you’ll never know if she actually likes this music

      • schizo-affective acid head

        November 15, 2021 at 6:33 am

        yes. it’s in a womans best interest to conform. its honestly hilarious seeing tiny white women not only listen to but also believe to themselves that they enjoy rap music. fucking rap music. how is it the main stream. it’s literally just meter and talking. it is the most popular form of music in america, yet it lacks melody, harmony, and singing. what the fuck. and the lyrics are strictly about sex and material success. could there be a better example of anti-music? I think no. it makes perfect sense though. look at the state of america. rap music has influenced our current state. everyone is supremely selfish. nonetheless though, this woman is nice to look at.

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